Buy two fillets of trout from Co-op, already breaded.
I used two big beets and it was plenty. Boil the beets whole, trimmed of their greens, until tender when a fork is inserted into the middle of them. When they are cooked through run them under cold water to stop their cooking. When cool eel off the outer layers with your fingers. Cut them in half and then slice the halves. Put them in a pan with some olive oil and garlic. Sauté.
Boil 1 cup water, add 1/2 cup bulgar. Cook for 15-20 minutes.
Brussel Sprouts:
Remove any tough outer leaves and trim the stems of the brussel sprouts. Toss in olive oil, sea salt, and pepper. Put in the oven at 400 and cook, tossing every once and a while, for 15 or so minutes.
When the bulgar only has 10 minutes left put the fish in the oven at 375-400.